Monday, February 26, 2007

Weight Loss Keys

Weight Loss Keys: Tips To Effective Weight Loss
by M.M.R.

The journey to weight loss can often go in many directions. Either the person who wants to lose weight quits shortly after beginning a weight loss program, or the person attempting the weight loss loses the weight but gains it back again or someone who undertakes the trek completes the path and keeps the weight off.

There are a number of factors that go into why one of the above happens and if you find yourself continually being in one or both of the first two scenarios, there are a number of things that can help you along the way to successively follow through with an effective weight loss program.

Tip #1: Seek Your Doctors Advice

Effective weight loss begins with changing your eating habits and living style in a manner that both reduces your weight and brings about a healthy existence. In order to make sure you are able to achieve both it's important that you do not undertake any type of program that will harm your long term. Before you start any regimen, ask your doctor's advice and follow through with what he or she has to say.

Tip #2: Avoid Crash Dieting

First and foremost you should avoid any and all programs that insist you take on anything that resembles a crash diet. Studies show that the majority of people who try to lose weight in this fashion gain the weight back within five years. In addition, suddenly changing your diet in a massive fashion can have farther-reaching health concerns than even the health concerns your current weight may be causing.

Tip #3: Exercise

The primary goal of losing weight should be to benefit your health and bring about positive changes in your life. By adding at least thirty minutes of exercise a few times a week to your lifestyle you will not only be aiding the weight loss process immensely, but also will be creating an overall healthier you.

There have been studies showing that those who increase their physical activity in addition to a diet plan keep the weight off longer. The most effective weight loss, and the most effective for the long term, happens when the person dieting continues to include exercise as a part of their life even after they reach their target weight.

Tip #4: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many of the dietary needs your body requires without carrying with them large amounts of calories. By increasing how many fruits and vegetables you eat, you will effectively be decreasing the amount of unhealthy and calorie heavy foods you eat.

Another major factor for eating more fruits and vegetables is that they take more energy for your body to process them. Thus, the simple act of eating them also aids with the burning of calories, which is the key to effective weight loss.

About the Author
If you would like more information on a diet that will help you not only lose weight, but help with nutritional goals as well check out the Negative Calorie Diet

Losing Weight And Diets

Myths About Losing Weight And Diets
by Article Submissions

Few commercialized areas of science are so filled with myths as that focused on weight loss. Everyone wants a simple, safe, no-willpower solution.

Someday, we may actually get one. For now there are no magic cures. But there are quite a few myths that need to be exploded.

You may have read this one: eating ice cream actually causes weight loss. The so-called theory is that since ice cream is cold, and it takes energy (measured in calories) to warm it up, your body is consuming energy while eating.

Your body does certainly require energy to warm up ice cream, and even to digest it. Any action the body takes requires energy, that's basic physics applied to physiology. But the devil is in the details.

Eating ice cream, usually high in fat and sugar, takes in far more calories than are used to warm and digest it. Sorry, you still need to go easy on the dessert.

Sometimes ice water is substituted in the myth. True it has no calories, so you're much better off. But the energy needed to warm it to body temperature is negligible in terms of the weight loss effect.

However, sometimes you feel hungry when in fact the body is just slightly dehydrated. Drinking water can cause you to feel less hungry, and it's much lower in calories than regular soda or even orange juice.

Or, you might have heard this one: adding a pound of muscle makes the body burn an extra 50 calories. Not only not true, but meaningless. 'Burns 50 calories' over how long? Just sitting consumes about 70 calories per hour.

The body is consuming energy to maintain internal temperature, repair cells, pump blood, etc.

A pound of new muscle will burn at most a dozen calories per hour. Still, adding muscle is a good idea, since to do so requires high effort - either through running, weight training or other vigorous exercise.

Mild exercise, such as walking, is good but tones more than builds muscle. The average man will burn about 350 calories in an hour long workout.

Vigorous exercise also raises the metabolic rate for a day, burning about 250 calories more than if one hadn't exercised.

A brisk walk will do so also, but at a much lower level. It's still a good idea to workout every other day and walk on the non-workout days. It keeps the muscles toned, stretched and helps prevent the lactic acid buildup that causes sore muscles.

The reality is that if you take in more calories than your body uses the remaining energy is stored, generally in the form of chemical bonds in fatty tissues.

When the body requires more energy that you've supplied, it will turn to those fat stores in order to get some needed energy.

That leads to lower fat in the body and weight loss. That reality is best achieved by the old-fashioned combination of proper diet and adequate regular exercise.

About the Author is an excellent place to find weight loss and diet resource, links and articles. For more information

Weight Loss

Weight Loss; See How Easy It Is With Fat Burning Supplements
by Gary Holdon

Fat burning supplements are beneficial in many ways. More and more scientists and supplement manufacturers are realizing that general weight loss as well as fat burning supplements are associated with thermogenesis. They have also gained more knowledge concerning the causes of obesity. In particular they have studied how brown adipose tissue - which is tissue composed of animal fat - are correlated to obesity. This knowledge is vital in combating the obesity problem which we unfortunately have more than enough of in our part of the world. Now, let's take a look at thermogenesis; what is it actually?

According to The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary it is

"Generation or production of heat, especially by physiological processes"

and according to Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary it is "the production of heat especially in the body"

So, what has the body's production of heat to do with animal fat and weight loss? Well, our bodies have three types of thermogenic processes; Exercise induced heat production Our muscles create heat as they work because they function much better when warm. Body temperature regulation Shivering when you get cold is an example of this type of thermogenesis. Now, what the manufacturers of weight loss supplements are most interested in is the third type of thermogenesis and this is the thermogenic process caused by diets. How does this procedure work? When we consume food, the energy it takes to digest the food comes from our brown adipose tissue or fat. This fat is located around blood vessels and vital organs, and warms up the blood as it is stimulated. More and more scientists now believe that the activity of adipose tissue is a significant component of obesity. Studies have shown that obese people have much less brown fat activity, and thus less energy burned by thermogenesis which in it's turn can cause weight gain problems.

What weight loss supplements tries to do is activate the brown fat without food consumption. This way the brown fat will instead use up calories from white fatty tissue with decreased size of fat cells as a consequence. The combat against obesity will in many cases be won when the supplements can handle this process perfectly.

About the Author
Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher who likes to publish Weight Loss Information. You can check out for more.